Offboarding Checklists

Resignation Checklist

Employees resigning from DOE/City Service (final separation) should prepare in advance to ensure a smooth transition. Some collective bargaining agreements may have a specific notice of resignation requirement. 

If an employee is resigning from the DOE to accept a position at another City agency, this information may not apply. Contact your Human Resources Director to determine if you are eligible for an interagency transfer.

All employees who are resigning/separating from DOE/City Service should:

  • Submit a signed letter of resignation to your immediate supervisor, with a copy to your Human Resources Director. The resignation letter should indicate the effective date of the resignation, which is the last day of work in the office.
  • Consider health benefits options. Your health and welfare benefits will end on your last day on the DOE payroll. If you wish to extend your health and welfare benefits, you must request COBRA forms from Human Resources. If you receive welfare benefits (i.e. dental, optical, etc.) through a labor union that you wish to continue, contact that union for COBRA forms. Managers wishing to continue benefits received through the Management Benefits Fund (MBF) should contact them directly regarding COBRA.
  • If you are a member of a retirement plan, contact your retirement plan to determine what your options are for your retirement account balances before you separate from the DOE.
  • Review your time records to ensure they are up to date and approved by your manager through your last day of employment. Submit any supporting documentation required for sick leave absences of three consecutive days or more.
  • Submit any carryover letters for excess annual leave not stored in CyberShift to your timekeeper or Human Resources Director. 
  • Ensure that appropriate documentation for local and out of town travel to conferences and other business events are provided to your timekeeper. This includes agendas for local and TRAC forms for out-of-town travel.
  • Understand options and documentation requirements for payout of leave balances based on your employee type:

Management Pay Plan Employees – Lump Sum Payout (Final Entitlement)

Pedagogical Managers 

Pedagogical Managers are covered by Chancellor’s Regulation C-605 – Salary, Attendance, and Leave of Pedagogical Managerial Employees, and should refer to the section regarding the Lump Sum Payout (Final Entitlement) for information regarding details of the lump sum payout. 

Non-Pedagogical Administrative Managers 

Carefully review the Lump Sum Payout (Final Entitlement) for Non - Pedagogical Management Pay Plan Employees and the Maintenance of Historical Timesheets and Supporting Documentation – Managers sections of these regulations. 

All Management Pay Plan Employees

  • Your Human Resources Director or Timekeeper will provide you with a form to select your payout options (the form is based on which pension system you are a member of.) Complete the form and return it to your Human Resources Director or Timekeeper for processing.
  • Prior to your last day on payroll, be sure to log on to Employee Self Service (ESS) and update your home address, personal phone number and personal email address. Any changes to mailing address after retirement must be submitted by calling HR Connect at (718) 935-4000.  If you did not receive your W-2, or you believe the information reported is incorrect, you must also contact HR Connect to report your issue.
  • Return any DOE equipment (ID badges, keys, laptop, tablet, phone, etc.) that was assigned to you to your manager.
  • Managers do not have the option of being paid out for their leave balances by remaining on the agency payroll after their last day of work.
  • A manager’s last day of employment must be a full seven-hour day of work. The last day of work cannot be taken as a leave day or a shortened work day.

Note: The managerial lump sum payment will not be released unless the manager files the required Financial Disclosure Termination Report with the Conflicts of Interest Board (COIB) and submits the appropriate documentation to the agency. Carefully review the COIB Financial Disclosure Termination ReportCOIB Financial Disclosure Termination Report - Employee Process, and Penalties sections of this regulation for more information.

Non-Managerial and Original Jurisdiction Employees 

  • Carefully review the Payout of Leave Balances for Non-Managerial and Original Jurisdiction Employees section of these regulations
  • Provide your Human Resources Director with your contact information, including any forwarding address, personal email address, and phone number, as payment for accrued time owed to you will be in the form of a paper check, and will be mailed to you.
  • Prior to your last day on payroll, be sure to log on to Employee Self Service (ESS) and update your home address, personal phone number and personal email address. After you have separated from DOE service, you will no longer have access to the DOE Payroll Portal or the NYCAPS Employee Self-Service (ESS) applications. Any changes to mailing address after retirement must be submitted by calling HR Connect at (718) 935-4000.  If you did not receive your W-2, or you believe the information reported is incorrect, you must also contact HR Connect to report your issue.
  • Return any DOE equipment (ID badges, keys, laptop, tablet, phone, etc.) that was assigned to you to your manager.
  • DHR will complete and submit the necessary paperwork on your behalf to initiate a lump sum payment for unused annual, sick, and compensatory time (if appropriate).

Retirement Checklist

Employees contemplating retirement should begin preparing well in advance to ensure a smooth transition. In addition to the required actions that retiring employees must take, there are many resources available to assist with the retirement planning process.

Employees who are retiring should take the following steps:

  • Visit the HR Connect Web Portal and search 'Retiring from the DOE' to access important information about the process for retirement, as well as pay, tax, and information regarding the pension systems.
  • Schedule an appointment to speak to a representative with your pension system to confirm your pensionable service time has been credited to you. This is especially important if you have transferred service time in from another eligible pension system. 
  • Obtain a receipt from your pension system, and submit it to your manager, with a copy to your Human Resources Director. Your retirement cannot be processed until the receipt from the pension system is received. 
  • Confirm eligibility for retiree health benefits or Medicare (if eligible). Visit the HR Connect Web Portal and search 'Retiree Health Benefits'. Review the many resources available to help you understand the retiree health benefit eligibility and enrollment process, Medicare, and other critical information. 
  • Review your time records and ensure they are up to date and approved by your manager through the last day of your employment. Submit any supporting documentation required for sick leave absences of three consecutive days or more. 
  • Submit any carryover letters for excess annual leave not stored in CyberShift to your Timekeeper or Human Resources Director. 
  • Ensure that appropriate documentation for local and out of town travel to conferences and other business events has been provided to your timekeeper or HR Director. This includes agendas for local and TRAC forms for out-of-town travel (Managerial Employees Only). 
  • Understand options and documentation requirements for payout of leave balances based on your employee type:

Management Pay Plan Employees - Lump Sum Payout (Final Entitlement) 

Pedagogical Managers

Pedagogical Managers are covered by Chancellor’s Regulation C-605- Salary, Attendance, and Leave of Pedagogical Managerial Employees, and should refer to the section regarding Lump Sum Payout (Final Entitlement) for information regarding details of lump sum payout.  

Non-Pedagogical Administrative Managers

Carefully review the Lump Sum Payout (Final Entitlement) for Non - Pedagogical Management Pay Plan Employeesand the Maintenance of Historical Timesheets and Supporting Documentation – Managers sections of these regulations. 

All Management Pay Plan Employees

  • Your Human Resources Director or Timekeeper will provide you with a form to select your payout options (the form is based on which pension system you are a member of). Complete the form and return it to your Human Resources Director or Timekeeper for processing. 
  • Prior to your last day on payroll, be sure to log on to Employee Self Service (ESS) and update your home address, personal phone number, and personal email address. Any changes to mailing address after retirement must be submitted by calling HR Connect at (718) 935-4000. If you did not receive your W-2, or you believe the information reported is incorrect, you must also contact HR Connect to report your issue. 
  • Managers do not have the option of being paid out for their leave balances by remaining on the agency payroll after their last day of work. 
  • A manager’s last day of employment must be a full seven-hour day of work.  The last day of work cannot be taken as a leave day or a shortened work day. 

Note: The managerial lump sum payment will not be released unless the manager files the required Financial Disclosure Termination Report with the Conflicts of Interest Board (COIB). Carefully review the COIB Financial Disclosure Termination Report, the COIB Financial Disclosure Termination Report - Employee Process, and Penalties sections of this regulation for more information.  

Non-Managerial and Original Jurisdiction Employees 

  • Carefully review the Payout of Leave Balances Upon Final Separation: Non-Managerial and Original Jurisdiction Employees, COIB Financial Disclosure Termination Report, and the Terminal Leave – Non-Managerial Employees sections of these regulations.
  • Non-managers and original jurisdiction employees have the option to be paid out for their sick leave balances by being placed on terminal leave after their annual leave and compensatory time balances have been exhausted. This option is only available for employees who are retiring.
  • Provide your Human Resources Director/Timekeeper with your contact information, including any forwarding address, personal email address, and personal phone number, as payment for accrued time owed to you will be in the form of a paper check, and will be mailed to you. 
  • After you have separated from DOE service, you will no longer have access to the DOE Payroll Portal or the NYCAPS Employee Self-Service (ESS) applications. Any changes to mailing address and other personal information after retirement must be submitted by calling HR Connect at (718) 935-4000.  If you did not receive your W-2, or you believe the information reported is incorrect, you must also contact HR Connect to report your issue. 
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