Name Changes

Legal Name Change 

Any member of the administrative staff of Central Headquarters or a community school district who has a change of name should report such information to their immediate supervisor, and initiate a name change in NYCAPS Employee Self Service (ESS) after legally changing their name with the Social Security Administration. 

It is imperative that the “Legal Name” field is updated in NYCAPS with the new name exactly as it appears on the employee’s social security card. It may take up to two pay periods to see the new legal name reflected on the employee’s paycheck.  If the change submitted does not exactly match the name on record with the Social Security Administration, the name change in Employee Self-Service will be rejected. 

Preferred Name Change

Every employee is entitled to be addressed by the name and pronoun of their choosing that corresponds to their gender identity that they assert at their workplace. Employees who have not legally changed their name and would like to use a chosen first and/or last name at work may now do so in office and school-based systems, records, paperwork, and other documents that are not tied to their social security record that are generated by NYCAPS. To update Preferred Name and other personal information in NYCPS records, including gender marker, log into your Employee Self Service (Open external link)(select Personal Details and then select the menu option for the item to be updated).  Please note that the employee’s login ID is their Employee ID number.

For more information, or information about updating legal name, please review the Workplace Gender Inclusion Guidelines (Open external link)and related HR Connect article(Open external link). For assistance with logging into NYCAPS, please see Employee Self-Service (NYCAPS ESS).(Open external link)

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