About NYCAPS Employee Self-Service

NYCAPS Employee Self-Service (ESS) is a tool that allows you to view or change your health benefits, personal information (such as your name, address, emergency contact information, beneficiaries, and phone number), and tax status online. You may also obtain copies of duplicate W-2 and 1095C forms here - from work or from home. The DOE Messaging application pulls cell phone numbers from ESS so employees can be contacted in an emergency. Additionally, DOE Central and Administrative employees can now add and/or update education credentials information in the Professional Skills Profile in ESS.

Logging Into ESS

First, go to the ESS log-in page: http://nyc.gov/ess

  1. Note that your ESS user ID and password are not the same as your DOE email login credentials. See below for information about your ESS user ID and password.
  2. User ID: Your user ID is your 7 digit EMPL ID number (this is the reference number on your pay stub). Please note this is different than your file number.
  3. Password: If you have accessed ESS before then you can access this feature using your usual password.
  4. Initial Password: If this is your first time logging in, please note that your initial default password will consist of the last two digits of your SSN, an underscore ("_"), the first three letters of your birth month (must be UPPER CASE), your birth day (including the leading zero, if applicable), and birth year.
    1. After you have successfully logged on with your initial password, you will be prompted to create a unique password that adheres to the following guidelines:
      NYCAPS passwords must contain a minimum of eight characters, including at least one number, one letter and one of the following special characters: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - = + \ | [ ] { } ; : / ? . > < _.
    2. Once your new password is set, you will be presented with a series of 10 security questions. You are only required to answer 5 of them. If you forget your password in the future, the system will give you an opportunity to reset it yourself as long as you can answer these questions correctly.

If you are a current employee and have already set up security questions in the past, and you are seeing the following error message: “Your User ID and/or Password are invalid”, follow these steps to reset your password:

  1. Go to nyc.gov/ess.
  2. Click the Forgot Your Password link.
  3. When prompted enter your Employee ID, and then click the Continue button.
  4. Answer your security questions.
  5. Create a new password. NYCAPS passwords must contain a minimum of eight characters, including at least one number, one letter and one of the following special characters: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - = + \ | [ ] { } ; : / ? . > < _.

Your password must be different than from the last 4 passwords used previously.

If you do not remember your password or would like to change it, you can reset your password via the NYCAPS ESS "Forgot My Password" page. If you are unable to reset your password and need further assistance, please call the NYC DOE NYCAPS password reset line at (718) 935-4001.

When your password change has been confirmed, log out, close your browser window, and sign back in using your 7-digit User ID (Employee ID) and your new password.

Updating Your Mailing Address and Cell Phone Number

We recommend that you verify your mailing address and contact information in NYCAPS, and update it if necessary. This will ensure that you are able to receive any documents the DOE sends to you by mail, including your W-2 statement and, for some employees, paper paychecks. Going forward, these and other documents will only be sent to the address on file for you in the NYCAPS system.

We also encourage you to use this opportunity to ensure that your emergency contact information is listed in NYCAPS.

The DOE Messaging application pulls cell phone numbers from ESS so employees can be contacted in an emergency. It’s important to have your number up-to-date. Please review your cell number and update it, if needed

To verify or change your address:

  1. Log into ESS using your 7-digit Employee ID Number (listed as the “Reference Number” on your paystub) and ESS password. For further instructions on logging in, see above.
  2. Click Personal Details. Addresses will be listed at the top.
  3. Select Home Address.
  4. Make any edits within the fields.
  5. Change your address, using the Lookup magnifying glass for your two-digit state and one-digit county code.
    1. For the Address 1 box, do not exceed more than 35 characters.
    2. For the Address 2 box, do not exceed more than 4 characters. In other words, do not enter ‘APT’ or spell ‘Apartment.’ Only enter your apartment number.
  6. Click the Save button. Your address will be saved immediately.

To enter or update your emergency contact information, click “Emergency Contacts” under Personal Details.

If you need additional assistance verifying or changing your address in NYCAPS, please contact HR Connect at (718) 935-4000.

Updating Your Emergency Contact Information

It is now possible to update your emergency contact information in NYCAPS Employee Self-Service (ESS). This will ensure that the DOE can reach your emergency contact(s) if necessary. We strongly recommend that you submit this information - even if you have provided emergency contact information to your supervisor or to the DOE in the past.

Please note that if you were hired prior to September 1, 2019, there is no emergency contact information currently on file for you in ESS. Using the instructions below, you should log into ESS and enter your information.

If you were hired on or after September 1, 2019, you should log into ESS to verify the information on file and make any updates necessary.

To enter, verify, and or update your emergency contact information, take the following steps:

  1. Log into ESS using your 7-digit Employee ID Number (listed as the “Reference Number” on your paystub) and ESS password. For further instructions on logging in, see above.
  2. Click “Personal Details
  3. Click “Emergency Contacts
  4. To create a new contact:
    • If no emergency contact exists, click on "Add Emergency Contact". If you currently have an emergency contact listed, but would like to add an additional one, click on the “+” button.
    • Enter required information
    • Click “Save” in the upper right corner of the window
  5. To edit an existing contact:
    • Select the contact you wish to edit
    • Click the contact type you wish to edit (i.e., address or phone)
    • Update desired fields

We recommend that you add more than one emergency contact, if possible.

Designating Beneficiaries

If you have not used NYCAPS Employee Self-Service (ESS) to designate your beneficiaries, we urge you to do so as soon as possible. If you have previously used ESS to designate your beneficiaries, we encourage you to take a moment to check your designations and update them if necessary.

Note that updating your designation of beneficiary in ESS will not update any of your other benefits, such as retirement, tax deferred annuity, welfare fund, etc.

Why Designate Beneficiaries?

In the event of your death, your family members or other persons of your choice may receive a cash benefit representing all or some of your unused annual leave, compensatory time, and/or, for managerial and Q-Bank (pedagogical) employees, accrued sick leave. They may also receive a death benefit if your death results from an injury occurring in the course of your employment through no fault of your own.

If you do not designate a beneficiary, any such payment will be paid to your “estate.” That means that the money will be distributed in accordance with the instructions in your will, if you have one, or pursuant to an order of a court under the laws of the state in which you reside, if you do not have a will.

What if I Filled Out a Paper Designation of Beneficiaries Form?

All New York City employees should designate beneficiaries online using ESS, even if you previously filled out a paper form. This will ensure that your designations are up-to-date, and will minimize any delays or disruptions in distributing your benefits in the event of your death.

How Do I Use ESS to Designate Beneficiaries?

First, log into ESS using your 7-digit Employee ID Number (listed as the “Reference Number” on your paystub) and ESS password. For further instructions on logging in, see above.

Once You Have Logged In

  1. Click “Pay and Tax Information
  2. Select “Designation of Beneficiary

Creating a Record for Each Beneficiary

Each person you wish to designate as a beneficiary must have a record in ESS. Records for your current health benefits dependents are created in the system automatically. You must create a record for any other individual you wish to designate. To do this, click “Add New Beneficiary” at the bottom of the page. Once you have created a record for each new beneficiary, click “Return” to go back to the Designation of Beneficiary page.

Designating Your Beneficiaries

  1. Under the Benefit Information section, use the magnifying glass look-up icon to display beneficiaries.
  2. Click the "Dependent/Beneficiary ID" of the beneficiary you wish to designate.
  3. Enter the "Percent of Benefit".
  4. Click the (+) icon to designate another beneficiary. Repeat steps 1 through 3 until the total percentage equals 100. (Note: To update a beneficiary record, click the Edit button next to the record. To remove a beneficiary, click the (-) icon next to the record. If you are unable to make changes to a beneficiary, simply remove them from the list, and then add them again with the updated information. You will not be able to save your changes unless your selected beneficiaries' distribution of benefits adds up to 100%.)
  5. At the bottom of the page, enter the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number to serve as your electronic signature.
  6. Click "Save". Confirm that you have reviewed the beneficiary address and telephone information to continue.
  7. The "Final Check Confirm" page will open. Click "Certify/Confirm".
  8. Click "Print" to print a copy. 

For questions, call HR Connect at (718) 935-4000.

Retrieving Your W-2 Statement

To use ESS to retrieve your W-2 Statement:

  1. Log into ESS using your 7-digit Employee ID Number (listed as the “Reference Number” on your paystub) and ESS password. For further instructions on logging in, see above.
  2. Click “Pay and Tax Information
  3. On the next screen, select the “Pay and Tax Information” drop-down and then select “Tax Summary (W-2, 1127 & 1095C)
  4. Click on your job, and select 2020 (or any other year for which you would like a duplicate W-2)
  5. On the verification page, enter the last four digits of your Social Security Number and select the form you wish to print

For more information about tax forms, visit the HR Connect Employee Portal. Log in with your DOE User ID and Password.

Once you are logged in, search for “W-2” or review the following articles:

For additional assistance, contact HR Connect at (718) 935-4000.

Adding or Updating Education Credentials

DOE Central and Administrative employees can now add and/or update education credentials information in the Professional Skills Profile in ESS.

Note: Employees are still required to provide all qualifying documents to the Department of Human Resources (DHR) upon appointment to a new civil service title.

Please take a few minutes and update your profile in ESS today!

To add or update your education credentials:

  1. Log into ESS using your 7-digit Employee ID Number (listed as the “Reference Number” on your paystub) and ESS password. For further instructions on logging in, see above.
  2. Click Professional Skills Profile
  3. Click Education (“Degrees” page opens)
  4. Click Add
  5. Enter/review the following information:
    • Effective Date (required) - defaults, enter value or use calendar icon to select
    • Degree - enter value or use look-up icon to select
    • Country (required) - enter value or use look-up icon to select
    • State - enter value or use look-up icon to select
    • School Name (required) - enter value
    • Graduated - select by sliding button
    • Issue Date (required) - enter value or use calendar icon to select
    • Major (required) - enter value
    • Minor - enter value
  6. Click Save (“Degrees” page re-opens)


  • Click + icon to enter another Education Degree.
  • To update/edit your Education record, click on the Degree listed.
  • Click Cancel to return without making any changes.
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