The “Workbooks and Data” section of the Principal’s Dashboard hosts workbooks distributed by Central Program Offices for school principals. Workbooks for your school will display as they become available. Central offices will communicate the availability of these workbooks, its content and additional guidance through the Principals’ Weekly.
Examples of workbooks include, but are not limited to: the Item Skills Analysis reports (ISAs) and Individual Student Reports (ISRs) published by the Assessment Office.
Principals receive notification of these workbooks, the content of each report, and additional guidance published by the workbook program office through the Principals’ Weekly as they become available.
At this time only school principals identified as ‘head of school’ on myGalaxy have access to this portal.
For questions and support on using this tool, contact The Division of Teaching & Learning Service Center at 212-374- 6646 or email
Navigating Workbooks and Data
- Sign onto the InfoHub (employee sign in, upper right corner ) from any computer, using Chrome, Edge or IE 11
- Go to the DOE Roles Section and select Principals then select Principals Dashboard, you will have to sign in again using your Outlook credentials.
- Your school will be prepopulated in the “Select School” dropdown. If you are associated to multiple schools, please select the appropriate school to view the specific school files.
- Your workbooks will be listed in chronological release date order, with the most recent posting on top. (The release date is assigned by the program office administrator responsible for uploading the document which drives which files appear on the top of the list.)
- To locate a specific workbook, please use the “Search” tool. You may type any key word that will match a resource title or description or filename. (Title and Description are optional. In absence of Title, file name is displayed as link.)
Downloading a Report
- Click the workbook name hyperlink to open the file.
- The file will download in your browser. You can view or save it from there.
- As workbooks are updated, old files will be replaced with newer files.
- Please download all files if you wish to keep for historical records.
Additional Support
For questions and support on using this tool, contact The Division of Teaching & Learning Service Center at 212-374-6646 or e-mail