Progress Reports FAQ

When and how do providers submit reports?

As per the Non-Exclusive Requirements Agreement for the Provision of Services for Preschool Students with Disabilities, KIP progress reports must be submitted by 4410 providers by February 1st. There are two methods:

  1. 4410 providers who have access to SESIS should upload KIP progress reports directly to the student’s SESIS Documents folder. 
  2. For those that do not have SESIS access, KIP progress reports should be uploaded using the ATLAS using the web link, login and password provided by ATLAS.

Are there templates providers can use?

No. The DOE does not provide 4410 providers with KIP progress report templates. As per the Non-Exclusive Requirements Agreement for the Provision of Services for Preschool Students with Disabilities, progress reports must contain, at a minimum:

A review of the educational/related service(s) IEP goals and objectives and the student’s current levels of performance in achieving those goals;

A review of the educational/related service(s) to which the report pertains, including a description of the student’s response to the service and/or current levels of performance;

The extent to which progress is sufficient to enable the child to achieve the annual goals and the extent to which that progress is sufficient to enable the student to achieve the goals by the end of the IEP period; and

Suggested modifications to the duration and frequency of educational/related service(s), if any, and recommended changes to goals and objectives, if any.

Any other information as directed by the Board pursuant to changes in law or regulation.

KIP progress reports provide DOE IEP teams with critical information about a child’s development, needs, and preschool special education services. The information supports IEP teams in determining the most appropriate school-age special education services to support a child as they enter kindergarten. Areas to consider for KIP progress reports include academic achievement and learning characteristics, social development, physical development, approaches to thinking and learning, communication and language, and activities of daily living (ADL) skills.

How are SEIT and related services coordinated?

With respect to any student who is recommended to receive Special Education Itinerant Teacher (SEIT) services and one or more related service, the SEIT provider is responsible for coordinating the provision of all SEIT and related services. Coordination activities include gathering appropriate progress reports from all related service providers and uploading the reports by the required deadline.

How can providers support DOE teams?

4410 staff members, including administration, teachers, and related service providers, possess an abundance of knowledge and information about the development and progress of their preschool students participating in the KIP process. As a result, they can support IEP teams in developing appropriate kindergarten IEPs and ensuring the successful transition of children.

The DOE understands that 4410 providers have varying levels of resources, including staff members, time, and technology, and this may affect the ability to support IEP team requests. 4410 providers are asked to evaluate and determine their capacity and share any concerns for supporting IEP team requests that are outside of the requirements outlined in the Non-Exclusive Requirements Agreement for the Provision of Services for Preschool Students with Disabilities by emailing

What are other important dates to know?

In January: Majority of KIP cases assigned and KIP case reassignment process underway

End of February: Earliest start date for KIP IEP meetings

Can providers submit reports before the deadline?

Yes. 4410 providers can submit KIP progress reports starting in January.

The DOE understands that 4410 providers have large caseloads to manage, however, please consider that KIP progress reports should be as current as possible to ensure that IEP teams have present and accurate information about a child.

What should providers do if a DOE IEP team requests progress reports?

If progress reports are not submitted, KIP IEP teams will reach out directly to 4410 providers after February 15th as they prepare for KIP IEP meetings.

If progress reports are submitted, and KIP IEP teams still request reports, you (the 4410 provider) can email KIP Team will contact the IEP team to review the progress report submission process. 

The DOE developed an internal protocol to inquire about missing progress reports in SESIS. The DOE will also communicate to KIP teams that they must be prepared for any meetings with families, which includes both classroom observations and KIP meetings—they should bring copies of the progress reports and not request them from 4410 programs or providers. Similar to prior years, the DOE planned the start of KIP meetings for the end of February, which will allow time for progress reports to be uploaded into SESIS, as well as provide additional time for preparation.

Should progress reports be submitted during annual reviews?

Yes. Progress reports need to be submitted for both KIP IEP meetings and preschool annual reviews. In some cases, if appropriate and depending on timing, the same reports can be submitted for both.

In some cases, a preschool annual review will not be necessary for KIP students. If the implementation date on the current preschool IEP covers the remainder of time left in preschool, the preschool annual review does not need to take place.

What happens after progress reports are submitted?

Once a report is uploaded into the ATLAS , a support staff member retrieves the KIP progress report, uploads the document into SESIS (Special Education Student Information System, the DOE’s computer system for school-age special education) so that IEP teams can access the information, begin assessment planning, and contact the family with more information and next steps regarding the KIP process for their child.

The Kindergarten IEP Process

For more information about the Turning 5 process, visit the KIP InfoHub page.

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