The New York City Department of Education's Office of Supplier Diversity's mission is to foster meaningful participation of diverse suppliers by identifying and creating business opportunities for Minority-/Women-owned Business Enterprises (M/WBEs) to ensure goods and services needed to provide a quality education, include a vendor pool that is representative of our diverse communities and student population.
What is Supplier Diversity?
Supplier Diversity: is a proactive business practice that encourages the use of historically underutilized business as suppliers (vendors). This often includes business enterprises owned, operated and controlled by women and/or members of designated minority groups including Black, Hispanic, Asian-Pacific, Asian-Indian, Native American (M/WBE)
Diversity and Inclusion Policy
The New York City Department of Education (“DOE”) services a diverse population of students, parents and families. The DOE also employs staff members with diverse backgrounds and perspectives. In recognition of that multi-faceted diversity, the DOE shares a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion, including the importance of diversity in procurement and partnering with our surrounding communities with a shared mission for student success and equitable outcomes.
To learn more visit the Diversity and Inclusion Policy Page.
Program Pillars
- Strategic Use of Data and Metrics
- Building Internal and External Partnerships
- Educate and Inform
Office of Supplier Diversity Team
Meet the team, learn more about their background and their commitment to diversity in procurement. To learn more visit the OSD Team page.
Press Releases
Press Releases will be posted here.
- Office of Supplier Diversity Employee Resource Sheet
- One NYC - M/WBE NYC Law
- M/WBE Procurement and Contract Method Restrictions and Terms of Use: Quick Reference
- An informational one-pager created by the Office of Supplier Diversity so that buyers/purchasers can better understand the M/WBE procurement and contract method
- NYC Small Business Services Directory of MWBEs
- NYS MWBE Directory