SY 2025-2026 Class Size Reduction Implementation Planning
New York City Public Schools (NYCPS), in partnership with the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) and the Council of School Supervisors and Administrators (CSA), has developed a “schools up” approach for the 2025-2026 school year to support schools as they work to reduce class sizes, in alignment with the new class size law.
Principals can create plans to increase their school's compliance with the law and request resources to support that implementation. Principals are not required to apply. Principals who decide to apply are responsible, in consultation with the SLT, for developing the Class Size Reduction plan for the ensuing school year.
Schools may opt out prior to receiving funding; those schools will continue to receive all other funding sources as normal (e.g., 100% FSF) but would not receive any additional funding through this process.
On Thursday, October 31st, principals received an email from with a template to develop this plan. Principals who choose to apply will develop their plans this fall, in consultation with their SLTs, to be submitted by Friday, December 20th.
A joint NYCPS/UFT/CSA committee will review these plans, ensuring fairness and consistency in reviews. NYCPS will provide funding to schools, based on review of these applications, with money distributed to schools for the 2025–26 school year, via a new SAM, in time for initial school budgets. Schools may not receive all of the funding they apply for, depending on the results of these reviews and funding available.
A pre-recorded training session is available to you, accessible below, along with an FAQ document to support you with some preliminary questions that you may have.
Session One: Joint Class Size Training Webinar(Open external link)
Session One: Class Size Joint Training Deck(Open external link)
SY2025-2026 Class Size FAQs(Open external link)
Additionally, a live question and answer session was held for principals and chapter leaders on Tuesday, November 5th from 11am - 12:00pm. A recording of that session is available below:
Session Two: Joint Class Size Training Q and A Session
All schools have received a template with school-specific information, including preliminary class size data, preliminary space data, class size data, Contracts for Excellence Funding data and other related data to support you in the application process.
Principals are encouraged to reach out to their Executive Director of School Support and Operations (EDSSO) and their Field Budget team for help with completing the class size plan template or for guidance on strategies to reduce class sizes.
Timeline for Schools
On Thursday, October 31st: Principals will receive an individualized application emailed to them from
On Tuesday, November 5th: A live question and answer session was held for Principals and Chapter leaders to join and receive questions.
By Friday, December 20th, 2024: Principals that choose to do so, after consultation with their SLT, will turn in plans for the SY25-26 class size compliance
January-Mid-February 2025: NYCPS/UFT/CSA review class size reduction plans, including new resource needs and exemption requests.
End of February 2025: Schools are notified if they are selected (and if so, their projected funding allocation), and/or have received one or more exemptions, so they can start to plan for hiring.