OPT School Operations Console (SOC)

What is the School Operations Console (SOC)?

The SOC is the administrative console that will allow school users and school bus companies to view the location of the bus route and ridership information in real-time.  

To learn more, visit the OPT Transportation Modernization Plan and NYC School Bus App. 

Currently, the SOC is only accessible to Public and Charter school users. Private school users, please look out for future updates on accessibility for your school’s community.  

Using the SOC

  1. Open the browser to Google Chrome and visit https://doe-nys.voc.ridewithvia.com/.

  2. Select “Login with DOE”.  

    • You will be redirected to the Department of Education (DOE) Authentication Login page. Use your DOE credentials and click “Sign In”. This is the same username and password you use to log into any other DOE applications. 
      Please Note: Users should NOT attempt to use the “email address” option. Entering DOE credentials in the “email address” section will result in a failed login. 

More resources: 

How do I get access to the SOC app? 

All school users in both Public and Charter schools with the assigned role of “School Based Transportation Coordinator” in their profile will gain access to the SOC. School Principals have permission to assign this role in Galaxy. It will take 2 business days for the access to take effect. 

For instructions click here: Instructions to Assigning a Role in Galaxy

Having Trouble?

If you are experiencing any issues with the School Operations Console, please submit a SupportHub ticket or contact your school's OPT Transportation Liaison.  

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