Employment Verification for Mortgage Purposes

If you are an active NYCDOE employee, you must use NYCAPS Employee Self Service (ESS) to download your own Employment Verification (EV) letter verifying your employment and earnings. This letter is typically used for mortgage purposes. 

Active Employees

  1. Log into NYCAPS ESS(Open external link).
  2. Click on the “Verification Letters” tile.
  3. Select “Employment Verification for Mortgage”.
  4. A letter will be generated with the following sections:
    1. Employee’s personal information (name, address, last 4 SSN)
    2. Employment Information (City Start Date, Occupation, Agency Start Date, Agency, Current/Last Rate of Pay)
    3. Earnings Information - Earnings information for the past 3 years will be listed.  The current year information is year-to-date.
    4. Employer Information (signature, name, title, date and phone number)
  5. Save and/or print the letter. 


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Inactive Employees

If you are an inactive employee, you must continue to use the traditional EV Request Form and submit your request according to the steps explained on the Employment Verification page.

Custodial Staff

If you are custodial staff, you will be unable to access NYCAPS ESS. Please visit the "Custodial Staff" section of this page for information on how to proceed.

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